Happy Monday to all and sundry.
Today, I have a complaint. I want to complain that I am tired of hearing (or rather, reading) other people complain that they are tired of reading/receiving unwanted Facebook Applications.
Today, I would like to empower you with a simple thought: YOU actually do have the power to end your misery, rather than to simply complain about it. Facebook has provided you with the tools to solve this problem, but to know that, you would have to have read the fine print. And I understand - clearly fine print reading is not something that everyone can be bothered to do - specifically not when they are supposed to be "having a good time." No. We'd rather complain. But, as the adage clearly states: "the Devil is in the Details." So, I'll give you a quick crash course - do pay attention!
a. At the top of your home page, make sure you have clicked NEWS FEED. (See Example 1)
b. After you've changed your home page feed to NEWS FEED, scroll to the very bottom, and click EDIT OPTIONS. (See Example 2)
a. This one is easy peasy. In small print, directly below the application invitation, there is a link that says: BLOCK THIS APPLICATION or IGNORE ALL INVITES FROM THIS FRIEND. Click the appropriate link. (See Example 6)
Done, and done! Now, instead of being inundated with apps, you can literally DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. And because this is a one-sided fix on your end, you needn't even let your friends know you are annoyed with their pesky applications - you simply fix it, and no one is the wiser. Always a win-win solution! ;)
Enjoy your day!
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