Spammers Die! Die Spammers! Die!

Friday, February 29, 2008
I have a lot of angst about spam. I guess you can see that. Im so angry that Im taling in short sentences. They spammed my web pages. They spammed my guestbooks. Then they spammed the church web page. Then they spammed my forums. Trust me, all I wanted to do intially was to run and hide - really give up trying to fight the onslaught and just throw in the towel. I have to admit that it was so oppressive that I actually did for awhile....well...that, and the fact that real life was running me ragged. Hither. Thither. Yon.

But Im back now, and I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about this spam. Not an unrighteous chip, mind you, because you are right, I am a saved girl, and the bible does say be angry and sin not. However, I do feel I am entitled to a small modicum of righteous indignation. Underscore indignation.

And so I've decided to do something about it. It's time I learned a new subject anyway.
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Migrated the Plan of Salvation to another server

Whew. What a job. I just finished the basic work of migrating my old Plan of Salvation web pages from Angelfire (ads galore!) to Freehostia (no ads! yippee!!), and let me tell you it was worth it. See. I havent even updated the POS pages in ....well.....years. Simply because all the ads depressed me, and I had no money to spend on ad-free webhosting. So. Years go by (and I get a day job, thank the Lord), and suddenly, when I HAVE money - I find free webhosting with no ads.

Woo hoo to ad free webbing!! :D
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Help Lord

Friday, February 8, 2008

I am finally starting to see the light at the end of a very dark tunnel of wretchedly, excrutiatingly painful and horrible sickness. I mean, often I hurt so bad that it hurt to lay down, it hurt to sit up, it hurt to eat, yet I was constantly starving - I was so miserable these past few days that every night in the deep of night, I would end up getting out of bed and just standing against the wall wondering whether it would give me any relief to just start crying. It was very tempting - the only reason I didnt give in because it would only have made my various headaches worse, and the ending result would have only been more pain.

Im not not sure why this happened to me, but I've often viewed my personal sicknesses as bringing me closer to God, or as Him breaking my will in some way. So my Mom used to call me a workaholic type because Id struggle into the office while I was sick, but these days, that is hardly my philosophy - my philosophy is more aligned with hers - health is of God - if God puts you on your back to take some down time, you need to respect that and take the down time. So, on Sick Day #1, the day I left the office early with a temperature over 100 degrees, sensitive skin, a pounding headache, and a telltale sense of foreboding, I told myself I was going to respect God's clear plan and pack it in until the sickness was done.

The bible says "Is there any sick among you? Let him pray." So I prayed. Another passage speaks clearly about "Let him call for the elders of the church." At the late hour, I had my Mom and sister pray for me also (the elder also prayed the next day). I believe God is the healer of our bodies, and I dont take medicine for that reason. During the night, the very very very very cold night, the very very fevered night (such that I could feel the heat trapped between my face onto the pillow), I remember tossing and turning, and on one of my many turns, I was facing the wall and I just began to tell God: "Lord, please help me now. Please help me now." Because I am resigned at this point - I've been through this so many times Im convinced that it wont be my mother or my sisters or brothers or father or the saints that save me. Its not going to be Chicken Soup that saves me. Its not going to be necessary rest and vitamins that save me. It takes God to save me. It takes God to heal me. I knew I would have to endure the sickness, that I would have to suffer - but I was very concerned about the fever because it had been consistently rising all night. Im not well-versed in sickness but I know temperatures are matters of grave concern the higher they get, and I wanted the fever to be gone.

On the morning of Sick Day #2, as I catalouged all of my aches and pains (there were many), I realized that my fever had broken in the night. Praise God! I then immediately despite the extreme protestations of my body went to check my blackberry for email messages or voicemails from work. There were none and that was unusual - so I decided to log on to the web server from home to ensure it wasnt just that the blackberry server was down. I got all logged in and up and running, and went to check my email and noticed that even on the server, I had received no incoming messages. Odd. I receive reports all day, every day. So I fired up a query email and sent it. A strange message popped up - for some reason the database was down (or something). So I logged off. Despite the raised eyebrows of my Mom and sister, I still called several offices trying to make contact to see whether a server was down. At the end of the day, it turned out that the only person down was me. It is like God put me, my laptop, my web connection, my blackberry, and all my work electronics into a little silo and turned off the switch: nothing out - nothing in.

So, many painfully sick days later (well, actually only 3 in total so far), things are looking up, Im feeling somewhat more human, hoping for no relapses, and hoping with a restful weekend Ill be out of the woods. Many other things can be said or related - time would fail. Ill end it by saying, it has really been a learning experience for me, in a whole new way. And I thank God that he trusts me enough to give me this experience, and give me the courage to go through it.
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Great Slogan for playing in the snow

Saturday, February 2, 2008
When In Doubt, Just Wipe Out.
- Mackenzy

*this saves you from gathering too much speed for an unintended crash at the bottom. Scared? Worried? Going to fast? WIPE OUT ON PURPOSE!! :)
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Wow. So fast forward to this weekend. After barely making it home on Thursday without wrecking the truck (thank the LORD! I almost did crash a few times), I ended up getting snowed into my driveway. Work at home day, anyone? anyone?? But thankfully, I kinda expected it the night before, and had no intention of going into the office on Friday anyway. So, imagine my humour listening to Mark get up and leave the house to (1) start his car, (2) shovel the driveway, and (3) drive away to work. Three separate occasions he left the house. On time number three I got up and looked out my window at the next street over. It was buried in snow. .. ... ... .. So, yes. It was quite funny when the front door opened again many minutes later and he trooped back in and said he couldnt get out of the driveway. To which I replied - you mean you've been trying for the last hour???

THAT was funny. Still, it was no real escape for me, because I was telephoned, emailed, and basically hunted down all day. This is why they call blackberries "crackberries" - because they are addictive. Then, once you get over being addicted to checking your email everytime the thing buzzes (yes, even work email, even on your vacation, even on your sick day), you begin to realize how beholden you REALLY are because it dawns on you that you actually HAVE to answer it. That's about when it ceases to be fun or cool. And, since you have the ability to "telecommute" you have to now, and now your Snow Day becomes a true "work-from-home" day. So work ensued. Albeit in my comfy clothes.

Whatever the case may be, everyone was clearly on the same page, because everyone, adult and child wanted to go play in the snow tonight - I tried to fight it, but eventually succumbed and went.

What Fun! I had forgotten how much fun playing in the snow could be - it was totally awesome. Natalia Green got much better pictures, and we had a great time. All in all, a great end to an interesting and trying week. Thank the lord. :)
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So last weekend we had a "girls getaway" weekend, thanks very kindly to EDubbs who spearheaded and planned the whole thing. What a darling. So, I wondered (to myself) if I would spend the weekend in private claustrophobia, what with me be travel weary and it being 7 girls in a 2 bedroom all weekend. AND I had flown to New Jersey at 6am on Thursday morning, flown back to Chicago on Friday morning, went straight to the office, worked all day, went straight home - did NOT unpack, instead packed my bags (with awell-rested Tiph looking over my shoulder breathing down my neck) into the car and headed straight for Fox River.

Much to my surprise I was embued with sudden strength - in fact, though I was indeed a shocker to gals by being the first to bed after a robust cup of coffee, I stayed up FAR past what I thought my normal limit. So HA, ladies. Yes I do go to bed at a reasonable hour. Needless to say, we had a BLAST. And we didnt even leave go outside on Saturday (*Liz had duties so she did, and Im sure some kind creature took out the trash to the front stoop. God bless you.)

The scripture admonishes us to "know them that labour among you," and indeed I recommend it. No better way to get to know your fellow saints than to lock yourself away with them for a few days - so thanks again ladies, thanks EDubbs, and thank the lord!
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