1. First, upon meeting them, be extremely nice.
2. Agree with everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, they say, even off-the-wall opinions.
3. Tell them how great they are.
4. Admit that you don't like yourself. Put yourself down in personal way, all the time.
5. Be extremely wishy-washy in your views: agree with people who don't agree with you, and when they call you out about not agreeing with them, make some excuse.
If successful, you will be fondly considered slightly dumb by some, completely ignored by others, and generally thought by all to be the group "submissive." No one will want you on their team.
- 2nd bitter observation from said "Old Journal" (observation, mind you, not personal experience)
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hmmm...makes one wonder WHO was observed to make this assessment...
i feel you, liz...*ahem* "the last southern belle?" lol...how does one respond to this? lol...i like it. :)
This scribbling was from 2003, so rest your fears! :)
Thing is - we all know Humility and Kindness is the hallmark of Christianity, so that is NOT the behaviour censured here..
This post attacks......*drumroll please*
....what do YOU think?
Wow. Well Lord, we all have things to work on don't we! :) It does force some "self examination", doesn't it?
yes, it does...
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