This sister's testimony was very inspiring - it is here:
Single Moms for God- Thy Maker is Thine Husband: Interesting Article on The Perception of Women and Managment
This was my reply comment:
You are very right, you know. Sister - you are right. I have to read that article, but wanted to let you know that there are women out there in the workforce who aren't "that" woman who turns her nose up at homemakers - in fact, we rue that we ARENT one. But, sadly, I cant tell you how many lunchroom or cubicle discussions Ive been in that have "turned" into stay-at-home-wife bashing. That is one thing at work I cannot keep quiet on - I've often defended homemakers to other women - and will continue.
I also once read an article (I'd be really amused if it is same article you quote above), that shows by numbers that with the young educated women of today (yes, even the worldy-wise women), there is a significant Feminist Backlash, and these women value staying at home far above their "Feminist Movement" mothers. They say it is because the young woman of today is Yesterday's Latchkey child, and in her heart, she watched her mother leave her alone at home and work herself to the bone in the work force - and for what?
It was a very good read. Thanks for the note, the article, and for the saved life and testimony. Keep on pressing on and praising God.
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