Saturday, February 2, 2008

Wow. So fast forward to this weekend. After barely making it home on Thursday without wrecking the truck (thank the LORD! I almost did crash a few times), I ended up getting snowed into my driveway. Work at home day, anyone? anyone?? But thankfully, I kinda expected it the night before, and had no intention of going into the office on Friday anyway. So, imagine my humour listening to Mark get up and leave the house to (1) start his car, (2) shovel the driveway, and (3) drive away to work. Three separate occasions he left the house. On time number three I got up and looked out my window at the next street over. It was buried in snow. .. ... ... .. So, yes. It was quite funny when the front door opened again many minutes later and he trooped back in and said he couldnt get out of the driveway. To which I replied - you mean you've been trying for the last hour???

THAT was funny. Still, it was no real escape for me, because I was telephoned, emailed, and basically hunted down all day. This is why they call blackberries "crackberries" - because they are addictive. Then, once you get over being addicted to checking your email everytime the thing buzzes (yes, even work email, even on your vacation, even on your sick day), you begin to realize how beholden you REALLY are because it dawns on you that you actually HAVE to answer it. That's about when it ceases to be fun or cool. And, since you have the ability to "telecommute" you have to now, and now your Snow Day becomes a true "work-from-home" day. So work ensued. Albeit in my comfy clothes.

Whatever the case may be, everyone was clearly on the same page, because everyone, adult and child wanted to go play in the snow tonight - I tried to fight it, but eventually succumbed and went.

What Fun! I had forgotten how much fun playing in the snow could be - it was totally awesome. Natalia Green got much better pictures, and we had a great time. All in all, a great end to an interesting and trying week. Thank the lord. :)

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