So. Check out this article.
Wow, right? Wrong! This article encapsules the fundamental concern I (and I think many) have about the empassioned Anti-Obama-ism of some: at base, it isnt anti-Democratic. It's anti-Black.
The SAD part? There is actually a real Republican agenda that makes sense, even if I dont agree with it. There is are actually real Republican arguments in defense of Republican policy. Give me an intelligent, well-informed Republican argument any day!
But that's not what we're getting. Instead, we're getting racist commentary about Muslims; racist and commonly known stereotypical commentary about blacks; and the worst - openly public HATE SPEECH and HATE DEMONSTRATIONS.
For example - here's a guy essentially saying Obama is a monkey, while also suggesting that because his middle name is "hussein" he is a terrorist:
and the aftermath:
and worst - THIS ONE!!
I am actually truly scared that fundamentally, these people - this mob of people who hold up "defense of moral republicanism" as their banner - as their hidey hole - as their cloak: at the base, at the foundation of the argument, are simply racist.
Nothing more. No other impetus. No other fuel to the fire. No other reason, save racism.
Why is that ok? WHY is racism ok? Why are people defending racism?
These. These are the people you align yourself with?
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"These. These are the people you align yourself with?"
No, these are not the people I align myself with. I maybe misunderstanding what you're trying to say. But, if you're saying I'm like these people because I choose to be a republican...isn't that very much like saying "because his middle name is 'hussein' he is a terrorist."
My disagreements with Barack Obama have nothing to do with race. Nothing at all. I don't care what color you are as long as I believe in your views.
"I don't care what color you are as long as I believe in your views." Just to clarify...That statement applies to politics. When it comes to my interactions with people I don't really care about your politics. Which is why I considered not responding to this post. I don't know you personally, but if I ever met you I wouldn't want politics to interfere with friendships.
I truly love people more than I love my race, my political views, my ideas or my agenda. I don't believe in shutting people out because I don't agree with them. I believe when it comes to people, relationships and politics "If we don't agree on politics, lets find something we agree on..."
This may be the end of my comments. I've enjoyed you allowing me to express my views and opinions, whether they agreed with yours or not. I hope my comments have not been hateful or malicious in anyway. They were not meant to be. I appreciate your honesty. Keep God first in your life!
Hi Anonymous, or Anonymouses (I am under the impression that there are more than one of you across the posts) - you should feel free to share your views, because I believe in honest dialogue as well, and I appreciate your thoughts. This is why I allow Anonymous posts on my page: because, while I hope that people will have the courage to post in their own names, I know that the subjects are touchy enough that they may not want to - and so long as we can discuss the subject with a measure of respect and civility to one another (and I think we have), I do not want to stifle any views. Furthermore, excepting racism, I dont even mind having differing political viewpoints - makes the world go 'round.
I do hope that you know that the things that I say, I dont say simply to incite others, but because I really am concerned, and I really do want to know.
Having said that, it may surprise you to know that I want to be proven wrong about the racism. I hope and pray I'm wrong. But I fear I'm right. And so maybe this is my own personal little crusade for enlightenment and true understanding in these trying times.
That said - my responses:
But, if you're saying I'm like these people because I choose to be a republican...isn't that very much like saying "because his middle name is 'hussein' he is a terrorist."
Absolutely not. I have already suggested above that there is a real Republican agenda - one that I do not see put forth in any of the ravings/rantings of the Republican depicted above. In any case, even if the above depictions of Republicanism include real agenda items - it is clear from the commentary of the people that their viewpoints are very very racist. "In his bloodline?" It cant get any more racist and xenophobic. If we are honest, we shouldnt even be assuming that a person is a terrorist just because they are of Middle Eastern descent. THAT'S also racist, and its not "ok" just because we got bombed. What's next? Dragging them out of their houses and beating them to death in the street? Oh wait. That's already happened.
So. The difference is that instead of SAYING you were like these people, I ASKED you if you were like these people (by asking if you agreed with their viewpoints). Asking, by virtue of the fact that its a question, is giving you the benefit of the doubt, and a not passing of judgment until I have all the facts. On the contrary - the Republicans above KNOW the facts about Obama, or have intentionally ignored or blinded themselves to them, and singularly suggest that Obama is a "terrorist" because by accident of parentage he happens to have a Muslim birth father, and/or the name Hussein. THAT is racist.
And it angers me that no one will admit it.
My disagreements with Barack Obama have nothing to do with race.
Ok. What are your disagreements with Barack Obama? Because for the life of me, I cant seem to get a clear answer on that subject from anyone.
Do you believe he's a terrorist?
Do you believe he's a monkey?
I dont really know what you believe, or why you believe it. All I know is that your fellow Republicans believe what you believe, AND they're openly racist.
And I really am starting to have trouble determining the difference.
Ok, one more post. I like Barack Obama as "a person." I have a really hard time voting for anyone who is pro-choice. I believe the majority of women have a choice...don't get in bed if you don't want a baby. Harsh? Maybe. Reality? YES! Someone getting pregnant when they don't want to doesn't suddenly make murder ok.
I also am a strong believer in National Defense. I believe that John McCain will focus more on National Defense than Obama. I realize the need of social programs, I also realize that if we're all speaking Chinese then social programs won't mean a lot.
I also believe that John McCain will appoint more conservative judges who will stand for more righteous principles.
I may be a little idealistic. But I vote on my convictions, and I hope you do to. That being said, I don't hold you're choice to vote for Obama against you. Its your choice and I don't believe you're any less of a Christian for doing it. You must do as your conscience leads you and I must do as mine leads me.
If Barack Obama is elected president I don't believe it will be the end of the world. I believe he may handle somethings better than John McCain. Frankly, I'm ready to have the election and move on with life.
That is a small overview of why I'm not voting for Obama. My beliefs and convictions...same reason you're voting for him :).
If we ever cross paths I would like to discuss this more in person. I don't feel free to disclose my past in a public forum. But, I'm definitely not racist, closed minded or a raving lunatic (most of the time)! I believe its very hard to make appropriate judgments about people without knowing them.
Oh Anonymous -
You and I totally agree on paragraph #1. YOu have no disagreement there, save for the thoughts I mentioned in the original post, and those were less disagreements, and more observations.
I dont have any problem with National Defense at all. In fact, I am greatly concerned that our National Defense is in great danger, what with our resources having been depleted by the 2 wars we are fighting, and potential additional wars that Bush may start before leaving office. I do find it curious to note that we had peace (for the most part) and trillions of dollars in a surplus when Clinton left office, and within short order after being inaugurated, Dubya not only diverted much of those monies to "National Defense" - all of a sudden a terrorist act cropped up out of nowhere to justify the diversion of those funds in the minds of the American people. I'm not accusing him of being complicit in the terrorist attack on our country, - only suggesting that without 9/11, Bush could not have justified throwing away our country's budget surplus on warfare.
And now we have trillions of dollars in debt, are hemmoraghing money even now, and our country is mortgaged to other countries - we dont even own America anymore.
You decide. You do ultimately have to have a WAR to WARMONGER. And Bush is nothing if not a warmongerer.
As a final note - I agree with your last paragrapsh and I say all of the things in my posts in a "general" sense, so please dont take it personally.
I am curious, however. Would I ever cross paths with you, and if so, where?
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